Costs of Paralysis Over a Lifetime

The pain and suffering that result from paralysis are horrendous. If you have suffered a spinal cord injury, you are no doubt aware of the physical and emotional strain that comes with it. Spinal cord damage that cannot be repaired causes life-altering consequences. You will have to learn and master a whole new way…

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The Lasting Effects of an Amputation

Amputations occur for all sorts of reasons. Some people have diseases that lead to amputations; however, other people have preventable accidents that have caused them unnecessary injuries. The lasting effects of an amputation are profound and can be remedied with the help of legal action. Physical Limitations Having an amputation means dealing with the…

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How Does a Victim Deal with Trauma?

If you’ve suffered a serious injury as a result of an accident, you know how emotionally taxing recovery can be. You have to deal with physical limitations you didn’t have to worry about before, relying on a caregiver, and of course the strain of the injury itself. You may experience symptoms of depression and…

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Non-Physical Damage Resulting from Accidents

If you have recently been in a car accident, you may wonder if you can file a claim for damages against the at-fault driver. It is a common misconception that if you were not injured in a car accident, you will not be able to file a claim for compensation. If you have suffered…

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