Do Insurance Companies Really Try to Take Advantage of Victims?

The sad truth is that if every insurance company paid every victim what they really were entitled to, these companies would be out of business within a few months. While many insurance companies are not working to purposely swindle the victims, they are operating in a manner that is good for business. Our Wisconsin…

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What to Do After a Hit and Run Accident

Even a minor collision or accident can often be a disorientating and emotionally trying ordeal, especially in situations where the other driver chooses to flee the scene. Knowing what to do following a hit and run helps to ensure that accident victims are better able to protect themselves as well as their long-term interests….

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Why Is It Important for Wisconsin Nursing Homes to Have Turn Schedules?

Placing your loved one in a nursing home is a very stressful and difficult decision. It is important that your loved one be provided the same loving care that he or she would receive at home. Part of this care should include turning your bedbound or chair bound loved one every two to four…

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Accidents Involving School Buses: Who’s at Fault?

Every day, millions of children travel back and forth to school on a bus. Most parents think of school buses as a safe form of transportation, and although children are more likely to be hurt while riding in a passenger vehicle than on a school bus, serious bus accidents can and do happen. If…

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