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Little Known Crash Stats in Wisconsin
No one who’s ever been involved in a car accident expected to be in that accident. That sentence sounds so obvious, so completely simplistic that it almost sounds stupid. Think about it for a second, though. Every single person who’s ever been involved in a car accident, whether a fender bender up to a…
Vehicle Maintenance to Prevent Crashes in Wisconsin
All car accidents have a significant impact upon those involved in such incidents. In many instances, car wrecks will leave its victims with extensive and expensive repairs, as well as higher insurance premiums. However, on some occasions, accidents can result in far more severe consequences, such as bodily injury. Proper maintenance on vehicles can…
Why Traveling in Snow in Wisconsin is So Dangerous
Driving in snow can be quite dangerous and, in most cases, is ill-advised. That said, it is sometimes unavoidable for people who must perform everyday activities like going to work, transporting their children to school, and carrying out necessary errands. There are a number reasons that this action can be considered dangerous. Freezing Occurs…
Understanding How Weather Impacts Car Crashes in Wisconsin
Many people try to drive safely during bad weather conditions. Unfortunately, an innocent mistake can end up causing an accident. A person can be considered negligent even if weather conditions made driving more difficult. Responsibility will often be determined by driving as a reasonable person would under similar circumstances. When driving in ice, snow,…
How Hot Weather Can Cause a Tire Blowout
Summer has arrived, and the hot weather can take a serious toll on people’s tires. If the tires on a vehicle are worn, underinflated, or have separating treads, a blowout can occur on hot road surfaces. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 10,000 accidents per year are caused by tire…
Driving Safely in the Wisconsin Winter
Winter in Wisconsin often means freezing temperatures, snow, and ice, all which make for dangerous traveling on the roads. Unfortunately, these elements are also common causes of serious crashes in which individuals sustain catastrophic injuries. It’s important for drivers to remain careful and cautious when driving on the roads this winter in order to…
Five Ways to Always Protect Yourself on the Road
When we first learn to drive, we are taught that safety is always first. We are told that there are certain things to do before we even start to drive. This is absolutely true, but there are many other things that you must do to keep yourself safe on the road. The fact is,…
How Tires Can Affect Your Chances of Having a Car Accident
Imagine you are traveling down the road and your tire blows out. You lose control of your vehicle and your car crashes. What do you do? Who is at fault? While some of the main causes of car collisions include negligent drivers, not many people consider the affects that a tire can have on…
Drugged Driving Statistics & Rights of Impaired Driving Victims
When people think of others driving while impaired, they may think of drinking and driving. While alcohol is the more common form of impairment for drivers, there are countless drivers who operate their vehicle under the influence drugs. Drinking and driving is often times the more publicized situation, but drugged driving does occur more…
Heavy Holiday Traffic Expected This Thanksgiving on Wisconsin Highways
This Thanksgiving, thousands of families throughout the state will be hitting the road to spend time with family and friends. As you might have expected, this will mean copious amounts of traffic on Wisconsin highways. The amount of people on the road, combined with ongoing roadwork in some areas and the possibility of inclement…